Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) is a Canadian national television network dedicated to programming made by and for indigenous peoples in North America. As associate creative director at Think Shift, I led a number of video campaigns for APTN while working to develop a long-term brand strategy for this forward-thinking, swiftly expanding media company.

Role: Associate Creative Director
Client: APTN
Partners: Think Shift Inc.


One Word At A Time

To promote APTN’s commitment to the preservation and reclamation of indigenous languages, we brought in a local indigenous artist to create a custom art piece featuring empowering words from the languages of indigenous peoples across Canada. The painting celebrates native languages as a life-giving force—and an essential resource worth fighting for.


Watch Them Grow

APTN has a huge range of children’s programming in English, French and several indigenous languages. This fun little spot was a great opportunity to reimagine the potential of the TV screen—Fred Rogers -style—as a positive, empowering presence in the homes and lives of children.




Cannes Lions with AOL